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Tips for Finding Out What You Are Supposed to be Doing in Life – How to Notice Your “SPARK”
I have always thought that I was meant for something bigger. I have always thought that I was meant for something more. But, what is more? What is better? I still don’t know and that is the dilemma that I face. I think many people (of all ages) face this as well. What am I supposed to be doing in life? ...
Read MoreThere is value in being really, truly present in all steps of your sales process as a sales rep
I was checking facebook in between calls today and came across a video that was done by Lululemon on being present. It made me think about life as I live it which in some capacity includes my job as a sales person. So I started to think about how personally (outside of work) I can be more present in my ...
Read MoreThe Top 5 Reasons why the Ideal Workout for Sales Reps is Spinning
1. Just show up. Just like with work some days you think hey, wouldn’t it be nice to sleep in and not go into work today…Take some “me time” and not have to do any calls or meetings today? Same thing happens when you think about going to a spin class. Sometimes you think you might not want to go ...
Read MoreRemember not Every Woman at Your Company Wants More so Make it Obvious that You do
I read a post this morning from Sue Gardner in the LA Times on why women are leaving the tech space. One piece of the article really hit me and I wanted to explore why women might be leaving the tech space in general. Women make up a tiny fraction, roughly 15%, of people working in technical roles in the tech industry. ...
Read MoreHow My Mother’s Selflessness and Determination Taught Me that Women Can Be Whatever They Want to Be and Work Their Way Up
My mother deserves more than this blog post. I rarely talk about how my mom has influenced me as a person but with Mothers Day yesterday I think she deserves a spot light. My Mom has taught me that any girl, any lady, any woman can be what she wants to be in life. To be successful (whatever that means ...
Read More8 Reasons why Sales Reps Should Make Social Selling Part of their Sales Process
We have these sessions/workshops here at HubSpot where speakers come in and talk to our employees about things that we might find interesting or helpful. I like to share this information that I learn because I think it could be valuable to my readers as well. Today we had Jill Rowley come in and speak to us about the benefits ...
Read MoreWhat I am Thankful for as a Sales Rep
The holidays have begun…time to get stressed out…time for more anxiety on top of your job. Even with all the planning and stress that planning adds around the holidays most can’t help but to think about what you are thankful for. You most likely have things that you are thankful for in your personal and professional lives. Here is what ...
Read MoreTiming is Everything in the Sales Process: Learn How to Set Yourself up for Timely Selling
Sales to me is just a game. In a game you can set yourself up for a better chance at winning if you do certain things. In the sales game I feel like the number one thing you can do to set yourself up for better or more success than your colleagues is by finding ways to find companies where ...
Read MoreThe Best Sales Process Doesn’t Feel Like a Sales Process
When I walk into a store there is one of two things that are likely to happen: 1. I am a buyer who is ready to buy. I am on a mission to buy something specific that I know exists at that store and I know I want it. I am ready to buy it because I have done research before ...
Read MoreLearn how to Get Your Employees on board with an Inbound Lead Gen Program
Inbound lead generation is something that can only be accomplished if you have a consistent content strategy. You cannot have a successful inbound lead gen program without a content engine. Everything always comes back to content. You cannot get inbound leads without the creation of content. You cannot have a good marketing automation system setup without content. Whatever way you ...
Read MoreHow to Use Outbound Prospecting with Inbound Marketing
My days at HubSpot consist of me explaining how inbound marketing is going to help a business grow. People usually see the value of inbound marketing for lead generation. Inbound marketing for lead generation is a fairly simple concept. Inbound marketing over the past few years has evolved though and I think that the sales process has evolved with it. ...
Read MoreHow to Make a Cold Lead turn Inbound – Startup Marketing 101
When I first start talking with a company who wants to transform their marketing into a more inbound way, one of the first things that we discuss is: Where are your leads coming from now? If you want to diagnose your lead issues and build out a sustainable method to lead gen in 2014 then you need to ask yourself ...
Read MoreHow to Have a Connect Call where the Prospect Won’t Hang Up.
Cold calls or even a warm call you need to make sure you put your best foot forward. You need to make sure that you are using the best possible methods to get them to stay on the phone with you to hear why you are actually calling them. If someone won’t even stay on the phone with you long ...
Read MoreHow to do Really, Really Useful and Valuable Research on your Leads in the Sales Process
Every sales rep should be doing research on their leads. When you get an inbound lead, when you source a lead, when you get a lead through a trade show or event…I don’t think it matters where it is from but you should be noting certain things before you pick up the phone. Smart research is the most important part ...
Read MoreHow to do Pre-Call Research before you Start to Prospect
Anyone can pick up the phone, dial a number and hope for the best. You have to have a little bit of guts and maybe a script but people do it everyday, all day. The thing that will differentiate you from all the other sales reps calling your prospect is how much research you have done. A sales person who does ...
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